FltPlan.comCoded Departure Routes (CDR)

FltPlan.com     Coded Departure Route Information

General Aviation Coded Departure Route (CDR) Procedures
  • CDRs are meant to reduce workload between various ATC facilities. They are also meant to reduce frequency congestion by minimizing read-back time between ATC and pilots when alternate route clearances are needed due to weather conditions.
  • Each CDR is assigned an eight-character code to represent a predefined route between specific city pairs.
  • A city pair may have more than one CDR.
  • There are roughly 15,000 CDRs in effect at the present time.
  • If a CDR exists between your departure and arrival airport on FltPlan.com, you will see a button at the bottom of the Nearby Routes display on the Flight Plan Data Entry Page.
  • There is also a button on the our Main Page which will allow you to enter city pairs and check for any existing CDRs.
  • General information and procedures concerning Coded Departure Routes .
  • Request a full route clearance if there is any doubt of understanding the abbreviated clearance.
  • Tell the controller you are unable to accept a CDR if the aircraft is not properly equipped or capable of flying the issued CDR. For example, some CDRs may require HF communication or Area Navigation capability.
  • You must have on board the aircraft all current CDRs for the specific city pair you are expecting to fly.
  • Put the phrase “CDR CAPABLE” in the remarks section of your flight plan. You may still receive a reroute if ATC deems it necessary but no abbreviated clearance” will be issued.
  • Some CDRs add hundreds of miles to your expected/normal route between city pairs. Special consideration MUST be given to fuel requirements and IFR fuel reserves.
  • The flight crew is responsible for maintaining a current database of CDRs.
  • Any questions pertaining to the use of CDR procedures may be directed to:
    NY TRACON - Tom White – thoma.s.white@faa.gov – (516-683-2980)
    NY CENTER – Bob Ocon – robert.ocon@faa.gov – (631-468-1015)

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