Official Navaid Ident: BKF
Frequency: 109.60
39-42-26.590N (142946.590N) / 104-45-08.590W (377108.590W)
Elevation: 5593.5
Variation: 08E (2015)
Class: TACAN
Altitude Code: L (low)
TACAN Channel: 33X
Radio Voice Call: NONE
Hours of Operation: 24
Associated ARTCC: DENVER
Voice: NO
Voice Ident: NO
Monitoring Category:
Internal monitoring plus a status indicator installed at control point.
(Reverts to a temporary category 3 status when the control point is not manned.)
Pitch Point: N
Catch Point: N
Effective Date: 03/20/2025
Responsible FAA Region: ANM
Country: U.S.A.
Owner Name: US AIR FORCE
Operator Name: US AIR FORCE
Common System Usage: Y
Public Use: Y
Controlling FSS: DEN - (DENVER)
Controlling FSS Hours: 24
Notam Code: DEN
NO-NOTAM MP: 1500-1700Z++MON. UNMTO 0530-1330Z++.
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