NOTICE: Information listed below may not be current.Airport Ident: MMRX
| Airport Name: GENERAL LUCIO BLANCO INTL, Mexico Location: Reynosa Latitude: N2600.5 Longitude: W09813.7 Field Elevation: 139' Variation: E6° as of 01/06 Time Zone: UTC-6(-5DT) Daylight Savings: First Sunday in April to the last Saturday in October Customs: Airport Of Entry
DISTANCE from: | KTEB to MMRX = 1494 nm
| KMIA to MMRX = 967 nm
| KORD to MMRX = 1085 nm
| KDAL to MMRX = 417 nm
| KSEA to MMRX = 1717 nm
| KLAX to MMRX = 1150 nm
AIRPORT TYPE: | Active civil airports controlled and operated by civil authorities primarily for use by civil aircraft, although military may have landing privileges and/or contract rights. Minimum facilities are available which include: control tower (or some similar control system, such as a Flight Service Station which issues clearances and advisories when there is no tower or the tower is not in operation), lighting (may be flare pots, etc.), petrol, oils and lubricants (POL), and facilities for organizational maintenance or better. |
Rotating Beacon: YES
RUNWAY INFORMATION: | Runway Ident: 31 /13 Runway Length: 6243 Runway Width: 148 Runway Surface: ASPHALT, ASPHALTIC CONCRETE, TAR MACADAM, OR BITUMEN BOUND MACADAM (INCLUDING ANY OF THESE SURFACE TYPES WITH CONCRETE ENDS). Runway PCN Rating: 035FAXT - Flexible, Subgrade-HIGH, Tire Pressure-MEDIUM LIMITED TO 217 PSI Runway PCN Evaluation Method: Technical Evaluation. Runway Open: YES
| Runway 31 Information Runway True Heading: 321° Takeoff Distance Available: 6443 Landing Distance Available: 6243 Runway Latitude: N2600.1 Runway Longitude: W09813.3 Runway Elevation: 139' Runway Slope: 0° Runway TDZE: Runway Lighting: HIRL, SALS or SALSF, PAPI
| Runway 13 Information Runway True Heading: 141° Takeoff Distance Available: 6443 Landing Distance Available: 6243 Runway Latitude: N2600.9 Runway Longitude: W09814.1 Runway Elevation: 139' Runway Slope: 0° Runway TDZE: N/A Runway Lighting: HIRL, PAPI