Welcome to FltPlan, a free flight planning service for creating and filing IFR and VFR flight plans, obtaining weather briefings and navigation logs for flights in the U.S., Bahamas, Canada, Intra-Canada, Mexico, Central America and most Caribbean airports. FltPlan offers pre-flight, in-flight, and post-flight tools including: Airport/FBO Information, Approach Plates / Digital Charts, Routes with Radar Overlay, Nearby Airports, Fuel Stops, Quick Info, Area Fuel Prices, Flight Schedule Calendar, Customizable A/C Performance, Stored Routes, TOLD Card, Flight Tracking, Planned ATC Routes, Email Notifications, and Historical Flight Tracking with Weather Overlay.
When you’re cleared for takeoff, you want to be absolutely sure that your runway and obstacle clearance calculations are as accurate and reliable as possible. That’s where FltPlan.com runway analysis programs can make all the difference. Instead of locking your operation into the standard flight manual climb gradient and published departure, FltPlan offerings give you the flexibility to maximize aircraft performance without compromising safety.
Known worldwide as a leading provider of aircraft performance calculations to the commercial airline market, AeroData now brings its runway analysis services to business aviation through FltPlan.com. The AeroData service offers full integration of takeoff and landing data within the FltPlan.com platform — so the user can perform runway calculations while they’re creating their flight plan on FltPlan.com. The AeroData system will use the current or forecast METAR data to provide a preferred runway selection, or when conditions demand, the pilot can customize takeoff/landing TOLD calculation settings to reflect their intended operation.
AeroData runway analysis service plans are available with or without obstacle clearance verification. And a takeoff and landing report (TLR), similar to those used by commercial airlines, is included with the FltPlan.com navlog. This allows pilots to easily review primary takeoff calculations, have quick access to alternate runways, an engine failure procedure for each runway end, maximum landing weights, calculated landing distances, braking factors and more. The user can print out the report or use the Garmin Pilot™ or FltPlan Go apps on their tablet or smartphone for easy access to runway analysis data from the cockpit.
Check here to see if your aircraft is currently supported. If not, please click here to fill out the Aircraft Request Form, as we are working to extend coverage to additional models.
$1,495 per aircraft per year for Runway Analysis (with obstacles considered).
APG (Aircraft Performance Group) is a company that has provided takeoff analysis and other operational data to the aviation industry for more than a quarter century. Their business aviation service, available through FltPlan.com, is designed to assist operators in optimizing their runway and takeoff weight decisions, based on existing conditions and safety requirements. APG runway analysis lists the maximum allowable takeoff weights relative to all temperatures throughout the aircraft’s operating range, for each runway. Plus, weight and balance calculations are also optionally available. APG runway analysis coverage includes 100+ types of business aircraft. And like similar versions for commercial airlines, the APG service considers such factors as declared distances, runway slope, obstacles, weather conditions and more to help pilots of business aircraft plan safe, efficient flights.
Check here to see if your aircraft is currently supported.
To enroll, please fill out the online application.
ASAP (Automated Systems in Aircraft Performance) works with FltPlan.com to help aircraft operators get maximum benefit from their data. ASAP’s integrated, cloud-based STAR electronic flight bag product allows easy access to runway analysis calculations as well as weight/balance and other data via a native iPad® app in the cockpit. And runway lengths, obstacle locations, elevations and other required data may be obtained through an internet connection, allowing data fields to be automatically populated.
Check here to see if your aircraft is currently supported.
$1872 per aircraft per year for Runway Analysis.
$2808 per aircraft per year for Runway Analysis and Weight & Balance.
To enroll, please fill out the online application.
To enroll, please fill out the online application.