
  • FltPlan.com strives to provide the most accurate, up-to-date and reliable flight planning website on the Internet. However, information contained in and produced by this program may be inaccurate or incomplete.
  • FltPlan.com, its owners, and/or its employees will not be held responsible for any violations, incidents, infractions or accidents that occur either directly or indirectly from the use of this website.
  • FltPlan.com, its owners, and/or its employees will not be liable for any losses, financial or otherwise, that occur either directly or indirectly from failure of this website to perform as expected.
  • By using this website, you agree to hold FltPlan.com, its owners, and/or its employees harmless from any losses, financial or otherwise, that occur directly or indirectly from failure of this website to perform as expected. You further agree, on your behalf and on behalf of your heirs, executors and assigns, not to sue FltPlan.com or any of its affiliated or related organizations.
  • FltPlan.com will periodically send you information specific to the FltPlan.com website to the email addresses entered into your account.
  • Failure to read and/or understand this disclaimer, or the program limitations found in the homepage tutorial, in no way absolves the user of his/her responsibility to be familiar with its contents.